viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Wall Street, New York City.

This photograph was taken by my cousin Camila, in the winter holidays of 2014. With my cousins I traveled to New York City in United States that year, for ten days. A exiled partner invited me and I only paid my ticket. That was so good, because NYC is very expensive, especially the play to stay.
In this photograph, I was in Wall Street, the "financial district". When the photograph was taken, I went to the East River, because if you sail in the East River you can see the Statue of Liberty. In Wall Street, I could see the National September 11 Memorial, and the huge buildings. But honestly, I went to Wall Street because is the place where you take the ship to see the Statue of Liberty. After the photograph, I went to the East River and saw the Brooklyn Bridge.
I like this photograph, because that holidays were so good. I could know an important part of the country through the perspectives of sudamerican, indian and american people. I learnt that the country doesn't guarantee minimum social rights so, I could confirm that the economic and social model is bad, because is so unequal. 

1 comentario:

  1. Well, It is often said that the social differences here in Chile are a replica of the ones on the united states. Same model, same scenario but in different grade..
