viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

One of my favourite writers: Julio Cortázar

This week, I decided to write about one of my favourite writers, because is very difficult choose one writer. So, I chose... Julio Cortázar.

Julio Cortázar is an argentine novelist and short story writer. He has been called a "modern master of the short story". He wrote a lot of short stories, collected in volumes as "Final del Juego" or "Bestiario". "Final del Juego" was the first Cortázar's book that I read, and since that moment my life changed. One of my favourite books, is written by him: Rayuela, a novel that you can read according to two different sequences of chapters. You can read progressively from chapters 1 to 56, or through the entire set of 155 chapters according to a "Table of instructions" designated by Cortázar. I can't tell the story, but if I had to say something about the book, I can say that is a wonderful travel.
Cortázar was activist engaged in opposing abuses of human rights in Latin America, and was a supporter of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua as well as Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution.
In his literature, you can see the influence of the surrealism and he uses the interior monologue.
Last year, I travelled to Buenos Aires, and I could meet the coffee "London City", the coffee where Cortázar wrote the novel "Los Premios". It was a great experience.


1 comentario:

  1. I love Cortazar, but I think thats this novel isn't the best job of Cortazar. Maybe the Story of Cronopios and the famas or the Book of Manuel.
